Where Dietary And Lifestyle Choices Count To Make Your Life Better
Nutritional, Digestive And Liver
Health Matters Institute, S.C.
Where Dietary And Lifestyle Choices Count To Make Your Life Better
The Nutritional, Digestive And Liver Health Matters Institute, S.C., was created by Dr. George Zahrebelski, MS, MD, the author of the health and nutrition book CRUDE FUEL Monkey Food Diet, to service the human need to protect and defend personal health from avoidable deterioration and loss leading to unnecessary expenses, suffering, and premature shortening of lifespan.
In modern society, the vast majority of health conditions including obesity that individuals suffer result directly from unhealthy behaviors and lifestyle choices often promoted and even strongly encouraged by profiteering industries.
The mainstream healthcare system fails to advance healthful strategies that intervene to help individuals change personal behaviors and lifestyle choices impacting health adversely. Instead, mainstream “health” care has evolved primarily into a commercial industry-run “sick” care system profitably managing human illnesses and delivering costly healthcare services and products attempting to recover compromised and lost health at the full expense of individuals and society.
The Institute offers a fresh, health-focused alternative to mainstream “sick” care. Institute goals are to educate and empower individuals to actively participate and engage to maintain health, prevent diseases from developing, and ultimately achieve maximal well-being and longevity. Institute interventions center on raising personal health awareness and increasing client understanding of the importance of diet, physical activity, sleep, stress management, human connection, and avoiding toxic behaviors to preserve health and reverse health deterioration and impairment.
The human body possesses self-healing capabilities that can compensate for and correct health compromise through healthful lifestyles. Healthful lifestyle choices that optimize nutrition, manage stress, promote adequate rest and physical activity, improve interpersonal relationships and interactions, and avoid harmful activities and circumstances allow the body to heal and function properly without intrusive physical or emotional distress and impairment.
At the Institute, we thoroughly review the health status of our clients to personalize healthful, lifestyle strategies. We teach and enhance the essential life skills that optimally meet individual client needs for achieving healthier living and true wellness. We innovatively utilize various resources and techniques and apply the latest available scientific information to enable our clients to unravel and eliminate the adverse behaviors impeding the successful attainment of health, ultimately to empower our clients to make better dietary and lifestyle choices that reap genuine health benefits and lead to more productive and satisfying lives.
Contact Us
1220 West Higgins Road, Suite 101
Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169